Initial Conversion, Acquisitions, Mergers
The term ‘Conversion’ often equates to the transference of customer and account records from one software package to another. In reality, this transfer of data is the easiest part of any conversion. The same holds true of ‘Acquisitions’ and ‘Mergers’. The success of any of the aforementioned can be measured in customer perception, account retention, and employee satisfaction.
At KBA Consulting, we believe the roadmap to success for any Conversion, Acquisition, or Merger starts with good communication. We build a strong project plan and work with your staff to identify areas of risk, customer impact, and ways to mitigate both. Our 20+ years of experience enables us to bring ‘best practices’ to the table for discussion as well as testing strategies and new procedures. Our broad banking experience enables us to connect with all departments and assist where necessary. We are familiar with many banking software products on the market, not just core providers but customer facing applications as well. We offer a variety of assistance, from Project Management to Banker Analyst to User Testing to Technical coding. Most importantly, regardless of whether this is your first conversion or your 50th, we participate at the level you require.
Services offered:
-Project Management
-Analysis and Comparison of Data and Services
-Internal/External Communication
-Data Mapping
-Technical coding
-Workflow Process Review
-Post Conversion Support
-Workflow, Operations Analysis
-Product and Release Implementation, Testing
-Staff Augmentation