About KBA Consulting
We work with Financial Institutions worldwide that utilize the Fiserv Signature and Signature International core software; both in-house on the IBM iSeries or in an outsourced arrangement.
Our team of banking professionals is knowledgeable not only on the core Signature platform but also interfacing touch point products such as Aperio, Desktop, DocPlus, VQN, Nautilas, and a host of customer facing applications. We can match the level of engagement you require and promote the transfer of knowledge to your staff in preparation for the next project.
Recent engagements include:
-Acquisition and merger in a 60 day window
-Strategic upgrade planning and release testing
-Managing acquisition conversion steps, communication, and post conversion assistance
-HELOC card enhancement including authorization file with a promotion/offer database
-Loan operations retool
-Procedures for Loan Sales and Investor reconciliation
-On-line Signature CIF and Deposit training via WebEx to remote sites
-Internet business banking support
-Deposit backroom policies and procedures
-Manual loan conversion
-Collections set up and interface through VQN
-ACH due to/due from settlement for a multi-branch de-conversion
-Post-conversion on-site support
-Staff augmentation
We‘ll work with you to find creative solutions to the challenges you face. Whether it’s a new acquisition, a new product, a new service, a software upgrade, a change in staff or a change in business philosophy, we can help. We are bankers who understand software.
*formally known as Kay Barnard & Associates, Inc.